Friday, March 10, 2006

Recovery - Day 23

Friday 10th Mar 2006

Currently listening to : Out of Exile by Audioslave.

Have done a whole hour at the gym today (well, it was an hour to walk there, do the exercises and walk back). No major changes in the knee, but definition still coming back. Trying to ascertain whether my right leg has suffered any atrophy or not just by looking at it. It's hard to tell, but I reckon it looks less muscular than my left.

Anyway - spent another excellent evening in the pub last night. The Thursday night pub visit is a very productive time. We often seem to be discussing ideas of note. A very interesting one that came up the other week was whether we could auction on E-bay Trev's exit music at his wedding and how much we could get for it. The thinking goes that the money generated helps to pay for the wedding. A few of our ideas were below, maybe Trev and Helen could let us know what they'd take to play the following (I bet they have different prices between them!):

  1. Emperor's Theme from Star Wars
  2. Killing me softly (with his song)
  3. Tears of a Clown
  4. How long has this been going on
  5. If I could turn back time
  6. I'm not in love

Basically, the more inappropriate, the more money you'd want. Although i have heard rumours that Trev wouldn't mind the Emperor's Theme........


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