Recovery - Day 5
Monday 20th Feb 2006
Had a great day today. Spent most of it hanging out with my big sister Liz, who had a day off work. She was ace in her nurses mode in helping me. In particular those essential items I forgot to take into the bathroom, such as scissors and tape for the plastic bag. And she made me tea.
But most importantly we watched Indiana Jone and the Raiders of the Lost Arc in the afternoon. It was like being 8 again. Who would have thought that at 27 and 29 we'd still be sitting in our parents house, during the day, watching one of the few films we had on video when we were young. And what a great movie!. The opening scene with the boulder is absolutely classic. I was also introduced to the behemoth (just used my dictionary for that - any more will be annotated with a - dict.) that is GTA 3 - San Andreas. Man this game is big. It's gonna need some time.
Knee much the same as it was. Here's some photos of the knee in the brace.

The dressing to the left is a drain they put in my thigh. Which is still bruised and a little swollen. The main scar is covered by the other dressing, and one of the pads of the brace goes over it, so it could be a little painful at times.
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